
South Australian
Shark Cartilage
100 x 500mg Capsules
Shark Cartilage
100 x 500mg Capsules
Also available from selected pharmacies and health food stores
Sea+Lady On Mat
For the temporary relief of osteoarthritis pain

South Australian
Shark Cartilage
400 x 500mg Capsules
Shark Cartilage
400 x 500mg Capsules
Also available from selected pharmacies and health food stores
Sea+Man Holding Knee
May help increase joint mobility associated with osteoarthritis
Sea+Four Running
For the temporary relief of osteoarthritis pain

South Australian
Shark Cartilage
400 x 500mg Capsules
Shark Cartilage
400 x 500mg Capsules
Also available from selected pharmacies and health food stores
Sea+Young Women Running
Try the beneficial active ingredients in South Australian Shark Cartilage
Capsules also available from the following online retailers...
Start feeling you again, the natural way.
Imagine waking in the morning feeling like you could actually go for that brisk walk along the beach, throw a ball around with the grandkids and ease into that yoga pose (without the nagging shoulder pain).
You deserve to feel good and live well and after 25 years of loyally serving customers around Australia, South Australian Shark Cartilage can confidently say our product can make a difference to your quality of life.
South Australian Shark Cartilage
How does it help?
South Australian Shark Cartilage may help provide the temporary relief of mild osteoarthritic pain,
and may help increase joint mobility associated with mild arthritis.
The active ingredients within 100% natural, South Australian Shark Cartilage powder are beneficial for the repair
and maintenance of joints. It’s an excellent source of a wide range of minerals including;
- calcium
- chondroitin sulphate
- glucosamine
- iron
- manganese
- magnesium
- phosphorous
- potassium
- silica
- and zinc.
Learn more about how South Australia Shark Cartilage can help you in the video below.
Another major constituent of shark cartilage is collagen protein, called gelatin,
which offers health benefits for skin, bone and body tissue repair.
I have been taking South Australian Shark Cartilage capsules for about 3 years now. I take 2 to 3 capsules per day and this eliminates the joint pain I was getting in my knuckles and hands. In addition have no joint pain despite running 25 kilometres a week at 71 years of age. I can thoroughly recommend SA Shark Cartilage.
For the last 18 months I’ve been taking 4 capsules per day of South Australian Shark Cartilage, my husband is taking 3. In this time I have not needed my monthly Chiropractor visits that had been a big part of my life for many years and have not taken any pain killers for the past 18 months. This has been a great value to my well being.
LYNNE, WA, 2011 (From Radio 3AW)
South Australian Shark Cartilage has been an invaluable asset to my life style, giving me freedom to keep on leading a productive life - at 81 years that is most important! Before commencement my activities were becoming extremely difficult due to failing joints. I sincerely thank the naturopath who recommended the product to me.
Since taking South Australian Shark Cartilage 750mg capsules, my aches and pains have improved a great deal. I have more movement in my joints and I'm able to continue with Tai Chi. I have been taking them for over 8 months - far better than anything else I've tried and so much better and healthier than using chemicals and preservatives!
I started taking South Australian Shark Cartilage 750mg in 2006 for the pain in my hands and found amazing relief.
80-Year-Old Customer